
Image Guided Medicine

We are the knowledge centre for Fluorescence Guided Surgery (FGS). Mobula works with the top suppliers in the field of FGS and represents and recommends only superior quality products to its customers.

To apply FGS safely and efficiently, we apply a procedural approach. Our approach means we are involved from the initial evaluations through to daily use of FGS to preparing for future applications. We only work with globally respected providers with the same mindset and an ambition of the future of FGS

Fluorescence-guided surgery is a medical imaging technique used to visualize critical structures during surgery using fluorescence. Fluorescence Guided Surgery has the purpose of providing the surgeon of real time visualization of the operating field. Diagnostic Green’s pharmaceutical product (Verdye™, Indocyanine Green) and Near Infra-red (NIR) Imaging system (IC-Flow™ Imaging System) are benchmarks in Fluorescence Guided Surgery. We are proud to collaborate with Diagnostic Green and to represent them in The BeNeLux territories. Please contact us if you would like to know more about Diagnostic Green and Fluorescence Guided Surgery.

VERDYE™ Indocyanine Green

Diagnostic Green’s Indocyanine Green (ICG) is the leading fluorescence product trusted by physicians, to guide their treatment procedures, based on fluorescence.

ICG is the gold standard in diagnosing a number of serious eye conditions. In General and Oncological surgery FGS is currently established for tissue perfusion, vital structure imaging and lymph node detection.

IC-Flow™ Imaging System

IC-Flow™ Imaging System is a small, compact and easy to use handheld device that visualizes and records tissue fluorescence. IC-Flow™ Imaging System, is Diagnostic Green’s CE approved handheld camera, that visualizes and records quality tissue fluorescence for physicians.

As an imaging system, validated for ICG, it allows physicians to capture and view fluorescent images to evaluate tissue perfusion in free flaps used in plastic, micro-reconstructive surgery and the visualisation of lymphatic flow. Because the camera is Compact, Simple, Ambulant and Safe it’s the ideal camera to create flexibility in your Hospital OR, Private Clinic or outpatient clinic.

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As a knowledge center for Fluorescence Guided Surgery, we continuously scan and reflect on areas where we can improve and expand our offering. We work constantly at the technology of tomorrow. We are very happy to collaborate with a promising StartUp business dedicated to field of fluorescence from Copenhagen: PerfusionTech.

Perfusion Tech developed a standalone software module for intrasurgical real-time perfusion quantification. The CE labeled software is designed together with leading surgeons and therefore fits seamlessly in existing work flow. It is compatible with virtually all existing surgical cameras for Open -, Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery. The added value of Fluorescence Angiography is undisputed according to the many studies and consensus communiqués from various professional surgical groups and organizations1. The current surgical approach of incorporating FGS into surgical practice, involves a subjective assessment of perfusion, shows a significant improvement in:

The current version of the software act as a Quality Measurement System approach to improve workflow and outcome of standardized Fluorescence procedure.  The aim of the collaboration is to gain insight, together with our partners, into the cut-off values ​​and define which metrices are relevant to add objectifity to interpretation of Fluorescence generated during surgery and provide added value of fluorescence  Angiography for patient benefit.

We would love to hear about your projects or studies where PerfusionTech software can be used. Let us know if you are interested in using PerfusionWorks now or in the future. We would be happy to contact you.

1 Behrns Kevin E.; Advancing Surgical Innovation: An Introduction to a Special Series on Fluorescence Imaging; Surgery volume 172, issue 6, supplement, S1, December 2022; DOI:

Training and education is key to make Fluorescence Guided Surgery (FGS) accessible for all patients. Mobula Academy is developing a complete curriculum of E-learning modules in the field of FGS. All our training modules are approved and certified by the Greenlight Group of Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC). Due to this unique collaboration we ensure a curriculum of excellence.

Our Basic Fluorescence module is the foundation for anyone involved in FGS, from Hospital Technicians and Operating Room Assistants to Surgeons and Pharmacists. Advanced surgical modules, tailored for Residents, Surgeons, and specialized OR assistants, delve into specific procedures where FGS significantly enhances patients outcomes.

Planning to implement FGS in your clinic? Need hands-on training, workshop or another type of event to explore and discuss the benefits of FGS? 

Please reach out to us, via our contact page. We are happy to help you. 
We look forward to supporting your FGS journey!